
Showing posts with the label Love Story

Most Touching Love Story About Boza And Khayran

Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a neighbor girl so much. They can't live without speaking a single day. Once the girlfriend gave a challenge to him to live a day without her.  No communication at all and said if he passed this challenge then she will love him forever. The boyfriend agreed and said I will sure success with this challenge. He never texted nor called his girlfriend for the whole day. He doesn't know that his girlfriend will live only for 24 hours. Because she was suffering from cancer. After 24 hours she already passed away but the boy doesn't know about it. After a day, the boy excitedly went to his girlfriend. He said that, "I did it baby" but tears fell as he saw his girlfriend lying in coffin. Her brother handed a note from her sister, written on it, "You did it baby, now please do it every day. I love you so much darling. Miss you a lot."

Teenage Heart Touching Love Story

Once there was a handsome boy roaming in the town. He was loved with a girl to whom he doesn't know. One day he promised to meet that girl and propose to her. But how would he proposed to her? He even doesn't know her name. One day he met her in a Ice cream shop. She was eating ice cream with her friends. He went to that girl and asked her do you know why I am coming here? Girl replied", Who the hell are you? I don't care why you are here! Boy: I just wanted to know your name. I think you're name is Ariana. Girl: What? Idiot, My name is not Ariana my name is Cindy. Thank you said the boy and went away. Again the next day he met the girl and asked hello Cindy can I speak with you for a while please! Don't look at me i will take your eyes and call the cops. Boy replied", Ooh my dear there's no need to call the police. Listen there are more times to take my eyes but let me see you first. Take my mind and let me think about you. Take my hand but

Cute Love Stories- True and Funny Love Story

Once there was a poor boy got a service in a town. Whst ever he earns it was enough for him and he is happy with his job. One day he met a girl in the auto while he was traveling from office towards his home at evening. He asked the girl "Hiii, Can I know your name please? Girl replied: I don't want to say my name to strangers. Please don't ask anything again. Thank you said the boy. After two days they met again in the town bus and boy gave a laugh at her. Girl: Why do you like following me and what do you want? Boy: I want to say that I am in love with you. I am mad for you. Can we go for coffee today? Girl: Okay, What is your profession? Boy: I am working in a software company. I am from a rich family, My father was a navy officer and my mom is a school head mistress. Girl: Okay dude. I want to know something more about your family background,so that I will think about your proposal. Boy: I don't tell lies. Girl: Do your family own a ratio card?

Teenage Romantic Love Stories

Once upon a Time a boy felt in love with a girl. One awesome morning.They started a conversation; Boy: Hello. Girl: Hii. Boy: How are you today? Girl: Fine and you. Boy: Very very fine. Girl: Where are you going now? Boy: I am going to take a photograph. Girl: Which photograph yaar? Which time are you going to college today? Boy: No I am not coming to college today? Girl: Why? Is there any important work with you to do? Then why don't you come to college today. There were some important lectures today, you've missed it. Boy:  It's okay you will give me the notes I'll study it. Girl: Okay! Which photograph do you want to take? Can you please tell me. Boy: No I won't tell you. Girl: Okay then it must be your girlfriend's photo. Boy: Of course my girlfriend. Girl: Whaaaat? You are really mad! Bye. Boy: Hey stand there. Girl: Why? I am going yaar. Biy: Can I take a photo of you? Girl: Why? Boy: Just want to show my child

A Lovely Story To Tell your bubú

Once upon a time there was a boy who felt in love with his classmate friend. They always go back home together. One day they fought each other for a small matter. Next day they met in a park. Boy: Hey are you angry with me? I am sor yaar. Girl: Remains silent. Boy: Do you love me? Girl: Who are you and why are you taking to me? Boy: (With sad face) Do you love me? Girl: No. Boy: (Again) Do you love me or not? Girl: I said no. I don't love you. Boy: (Smiled and said) I was just confirming because your friend just asked me to go out on a date. Okay I am leaving. Girl: (With sentimental emotions) You Idiot! How said like that.I Love You Yaar. I Love You more than anything in my life. I Love You so much you stupid (Girl started crying) Boy: Hey bubú! Don't cry I was just kidding. I Love You Too. (Boy hugged her and kissed on her forehead)

Romantic Love Story to tell your Bubu

Once Upon a time there lived a boy in a small town. One day that boy was following a girl on the way returning from the college. The girl was from the same college. The boy was so sweet and fair. But the girl was a little dark in color. The boy wanted to propose her in the Christmas Day. He was not able to see her for the last couple of days. So when he saw her, he  immediately started following her. Girl was feeling annoying because she doesn't like that boy; So she asked "Why are you following me? Please leave me alone and let me walk peacefully. The boy asked please wait for a while I want to talk with you. Girl; I don't want to talk with you. Please don't follow me or else I will call my brother. Boy again asked please I want to speak with you only one minute pls. Girl said what do you want to speak with me? I don't even know you; Boy: Please listen I will not waste your time. Girl: Okay tell me what you want to speak? Boy: You are very pret

Cute Romantic Bedtime Story

Once a boy went to a party with his girlfriend. After the party ended. On their way back home they started a conversation; Boy: You are really beautiful today. Girl: Ok. I am not pretty. Boy: No you are not. Girl: But Ayush told me I am hot. Am I not? Boy: No you are not. Girl: My friends told me that I am Gorgeous. Am I not? Boy: No, you are not. Girl: Started to cry. Boy: You know what? When a boy calls you hot, they look at your body. When a boy calls you pretty, they look at your face. When a boy calls you gorgeous, they look at your clothes. But when they call you beautiful; they see everything Girl: I am really sorry, I Love You So Much. Boy: I Love You Too.

Cute bedtime story

One day a boy was standing near a temple. He was looking at a girl. The girl was so sweet and she was walking towards the temple. At that time the boy was looking at her so badly like he never saw a girl before. He was laughing at her. He thought she didn't saw him but the girl came to that boy and asked why are you laughing at me and looking at me like this. You are an Idiot! Boy remains silent. Girl went to the temple and when she came back she saw that boy is still standing at the same position where he was. She looked at him and just gave a smile. The boy felt like he is in love with her,so she also gave her a smile. Many days later she met that boy. She told him, you know what? "I Love You So Much". Boy told her I knew that before I also Love You. Girl; How did you knew it before? Boy: When I first saw your smile I got impressed and fell in love and you smilled because you knew it. Isn't it? I Love My Dearest Angel.

Best Story To Impress a Girl: A touching Love Story

Once upon a time there lived a boy. He fall in love with a town girl but the girl did not loved the boy and always hated him. One day the boy decided to change his girl friends mind. But how would he do  this work. He himself said that he will stand in front of her house till the next 10 days. Without listening I Love You from her mouth I will never move out of that place.( Said the boy) Storms and rain came but the boy didn't moved out from that place. His friends and neighbors called him but he never agreed to move away. After the 9th day, the girl fall in love with him. Girl decided that she'll say that she also loves him so much. With the rise of Sun of 10th day the girl ran out but the boy wasn't there. Where did he went? She was astonished to know that boy was not there. She found a piece of paper on which it was written; "You sit at your home and enjoy your snacks. I was waiting for you but you never came out. So I got committed with your neighbo

Sweet Love Story For Her

Once there was a boy who was frustrated about her girlfriend. One day he met his girlfriend in the park. He asked her girl friend whether she loves him or not. His girlfriend said No then the boy asked her are you serious? Girl said give me more time to think about it. Boy said don't look for a Pretty face, it will turn old one day. Don't look for a soft skin, it will wrinkle one day. But look for a loyal heart that will miss you every day and love you forever. Girl said without a second thought "You are that royal heart. I Love You!

Cute Love Story for your Darling

Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl from his class. One day he decided to propose to that girl. He went to the garden and he proposed. Boy: Can you become my life partner? Girl: Are you mad? I didn't expect it from you. Boy: Ok thank you. Girl: Why do you feel that I am fine for you? Boy: You know sometimes, people come into your life not to love but to make you feel that you are worth loving. Girl: Thank you and I will think about your proposal. For time being I am focusing on my studies. Boy: That's Awesome and I am praying to God to fulfill your wishe my dearest friend.

A beautiful story to tell your girlfriend

Once there was a lady having a conversation with her boyfriend, she Asked: Lady: Why do you like me And why do you love me? Man: I can't tell you the reason but I really like you. Lady: You can't even tell me the reason? How can you say that you like and love me? Man: I really don't know the reason but I can prove that I Love You. Lady: Prove? No! I want you to tell me the reason. My friend's boyfriend can tell her why he loves her but why not you? Man: Okay Ookay!!! Uhmm because you are beautiful, because your voice is sweet, because you are caring & loving, because you are thoughtful, because of your beautiful smile and because of your every movement. The lady felt very satisfied with the Man's Answer. Unfortunately, a few days later, the lady got an accident and went in comma. The guy then placed a letter by her side and here is the content written in the letter; Darling because of your sweet voice that I love you. Now can you talk? No!

Heart Touching Love Story To send Your Loved One

Once there was a boy, he lives in a small town. One day that boy and his girlfriend had a small fight and it ended their relationship. The next day boy was so upset and his girlfriend's best friend asked him why did he ended the relationship? He told her that it's just a small matter and I hope she will be back. His friend told him you know Butterfly lives only few days but still flies joyfully capturing many hearts. Each moment is precious in our life. So don't waste it. Please forgive her and live it fully joyfully and win not only her heart but you can win many hearts with your good behavior and your cool attitude. Please go and excuse her and start your new life again. In the meantime his girlfriend came there and they started their relationship again and live happily together forever.

Romantic Story To Tell her on Valentine's day

Once upon there was a boy and a girl they were dating each other for a long time now. One day they were in a railway platform sitting together. Boy asked the girl; do you know what the day is today? Girl winks and said no I don't know. What day? Is there any special day going on? Boy told her are you really serious? You don't know today is the proposed day! Girl: Really is it? Then what to do? Shall we go and take ice cream and be relaxed sitting there. Boy: Ok we will go babe but? Girl: Come on! What happened? Boy: I would like you to do something important for me. Girl: Yes, I will do. Boy: When you get home today, thank your mom for me. Girl: Sure, but why? Boy: Thank her because she gave birth to an angel who was put into my life and one day whom I hope will become my wife. Girl: Thank you so much and it's really sweet. I will be yours for ever! Boy: Then should we have our first Ice Cream today with our proposal day. Girl: Sure. They went to

Awesome Love Story

Once a boy loved a girl. Some days later they had break up due to some unknown reason. Girl was sitting in a railway station and the boy followed her. He asked her why she is ignoring him. I am sorry yaar. Please excuse me. She remained silent. Then the girl gives a glass and told his boyfriend to throw the glass. Boy did it without fail. Girl told her boyfriend please ask that glass for sorry. Boy said I am sorry broken glass. Now girl said did that glass joint again after you said sorry Like the same you broken my heart. I am sorry, I can't fall in love with you. Then boy said I love you so much. Girl said I love you too baby.

Romantic Love Stories To Tell A Lover

Once a girl was talking with her best friend. She told her that I don't believe in love at first sight. Boy: Why? Girl: It's just an infatuation. I believe in love for years and it's a true situation because the moments spend together are not just a prediction. It is something without a reason. Boy: Do you think I love you for a particular reason? Girl: No not like that. Boy: Then why did you said like that? Girl: See as love gets deeper in every season it's selfish to have a reason. Boy: I don't believe that. Can you explain how deep you are in love with me? Girl: You want to know it. Boy: Of course I want to know it. Girl: So, my love for you is like a Pigeon which gives peace in every season without thinking of any reason. Boy: Thank you so much. Girl: Sorry yaar. I Love You for No Reason honey.

True and Cute Love Stories- Really Heart Touching Love Story

Once a boy roamed in the city with his bicycle. He met his girlfriend with her classmates on the way. When the boy saw her girlfriend he said; Hello how are you? What are you doing? Girl: Feels uncomfortable to speak with him. She said hello? I went to tuition and you? Boy: I went to market to buy a gift for my sister? Girl: Ok you can go now. I will talk to you later at evening or call you at night. Boy: Why? Don't you want to speak with me now? What is your problem honey. Girl: I am sorry I am with my friend's now. Please can we speak with phone at night. Please leave me to spend sometimes with my friend's yaar. Boy: I don't know why do you like avoiding me? I am not a child, I can tolerate this. Why are you playing with me. Don't you Love me? Come on Yaar! Girl: Please understand my situation. Boy: If you can't speak with me now then don't speak with me later. Bye. Girl: Don't misunderstand me please, try to understand my situat

Heart Touching Love Story About A Flight Attendant And A Widow

Once there was a flight attendant who began checking the cabins before the flight take off. A boy asked her "Please remind my girl friend to take her pills because she is a heart patient and she is in business class seat number 24" The attendant assured the boy to do that. After sometime the flight take off to the destination, the attendant went to seat number 24 and approached to that girl " Hello miss remember to take your heart pills." Girl: What? (Astonished) how did you know that I have a heart problem? Do you know me? Attendant: No madam I don't. Actually your boy friend told me to remind you! (The girl cried) Tear's came from her eyes. Attendant: Is there something wrong? Why are you crying? Girl: My boyfriend is dead in the war, I am taking his body in this plane: I'll bring his body to his village for his parents. Attendant: I am sorry", it's his destiny, please Don't Cry. 

Most Adorable Love Story For Her

Once a boy and a girl were dating together. They were in a cinema hall. When the cinema finished they started walking together towards the bus stop. In the meantime they had some good discussion about their life. Boy: How much happy will you be if you marry me as earliest as you expect? Girl: I can't explain it but I will be more happy than you. Boy: Have you ever been scared for anything in your life? Girl: Why did you changed your topic? Boy: Nothing like that...Say if Yes. Girl: Yes. If you wonder to know then I am sayin. When I saw you for the first time I was scared to touch you. First time I touched you I was scared to kiss you. First time I kissed you I was scared to love you, but now that I Love You. Boy: Then what? Girl: You know, I'm scared to loose you. I don't want to loose you my one and only darling.

Heart Touched Love Story

Once there was a boy and a girl lived together in a small town. They loved each other so much. Boy came from a poor family While the girl was from a rich family. One day they were leaving from the park together. In the meantime the girl's father saw both of them. He got angry on her daughter. While the boys father was standing from a distance and watching it. He came closer to his son and kept his hand on his son's head The girl's father angrily told the boys father, you are a poor man. How dare your son roaming With my daughter? You poor man get out from here. I have a beautiful daughter, 5 luxurious cars, 30 bungalow, more money, real estate's, many servants in my home working day and night. What do you have? The boys father told him you have everything but I have only one son who is in love with your beautiful daughter! She is more than your property. She is happy with my son not with your property. Moral: Love is greater than everything in this World.