
Showing posts from March, 2019

Cute Love Story for your Darling

Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl from his class. One day he decided to propose to that girl. He went to the garden and he proposed. Boy: Can you become my life partner? Girl: Are you mad? I didn't expect it from you. Boy: Ok thank you. Girl: Why do you feel that I am fine for you? Boy: You know sometimes, people come into your life not to love but to make you feel that you are worth loving. Girl: Thank you and I will think about your proposal. For time being I am focusing on my studies. Boy: That's Awesome and I am praying to God to fulfill your wishe my dearest friend.

A beautiful story to tell your girlfriend

Once there was a lady having a conversation with her boyfriend, she Asked: Lady: Why do you like me And why do you love me? Man: I can't tell you the reason but I really like you. Lady: You can't even tell me the reason? How can you say that you like and love me? Man: I really don't know the reason but I can prove that I Love You. Lady: Prove? No! I want you to tell me the reason. My friend's boyfriend can tell her why he loves her but why not you? Man: Okay Ookay!!! Uhmm because you are beautiful, because your voice is sweet, because you are caring & loving, because you are thoughtful, because of your beautiful smile and because of your every movement. The lady felt very satisfied with the Man's Answer. Unfortunately, a few days later, the lady got an accident and went in comma. The guy then placed a letter by her side and here is the content written in the letter; Darling because of your sweet voice that I love you. Now can you talk? No!

Heart Touching Love Story To send Your Loved One

Once there was a boy, he lives in a small town. One day that boy and his girlfriend had a small fight and it ended their relationship. The next day boy was so upset and his girlfriend's best friend asked him why did he ended the relationship? He told her that it's just a small matter and I hope she will be back. His friend told him you know Butterfly lives only few days but still flies joyfully capturing many hearts. Each moment is precious in our life. So don't waste it. Please forgive her and live it fully joyfully and win not only her heart but you can win many hearts with your good behavior and your cool attitude. Please go and excuse her and start your new life again. In the meantime his girlfriend came there and they started their relationship again and live happily together forever.

Romantic Story To Tell her on Valentine's day

Once upon there was a boy and a girl they were dating each other for a long time now. One day they were in a railway platform sitting together. Boy asked the girl; do you know what the day is today? Girl winks and said no I don't know. What day? Is there any special day going on? Boy told her are you really serious? You don't know today is the proposed day! Girl: Really is it? Then what to do? Shall we go and take ice cream and be relaxed sitting there. Boy: Ok we will go babe but? Girl: Come on! What happened? Boy: I would like you to do something important for me. Girl: Yes, I will do. Boy: When you get home today, thank your mom for me. Girl: Sure, but why? Boy: Thank her because she gave birth to an angel who was put into my life and one day whom I hope will become my wife. Girl: Thank you so much and it's really sweet. I will be yours for ever! Boy: Then should we have our first Ice Cream today with our proposal day. Girl: Sure. They went to

Awesome Love Story

Once a boy loved a girl. Some days later they had break up due to some unknown reason. Girl was sitting in a railway station and the boy followed her. He asked her why she is ignoring him. I am sorry yaar. Please excuse me. She remained silent. Then the girl gives a glass and told his boyfriend to throw the glass. Boy did it without fail. Girl told her boyfriend please ask that glass for sorry. Boy said I am sorry broken glass. Now girl said did that glass joint again after you said sorry Like the same you broken my heart. I am sorry, I can't fall in love with you. Then boy said I love you so much. Girl said I love you too baby.

Romantic Love Stories To Tell A Lover

Once a girl was talking with her best friend. She told her that I don't believe in love at first sight. Boy: Why? Girl: It's just an infatuation. I believe in love for years and it's a true situation because the moments spend together are not just a prediction. It is something without a reason. Boy: Do you think I love you for a particular reason? Girl: No not like that. Boy: Then why did you said like that? Girl: See as love gets deeper in every season it's selfish to have a reason. Boy: I don't believe that. Can you explain how deep you are in love with me? Girl: You want to know it. Boy: Of course I want to know it. Girl: So, my love for you is like a Pigeon which gives peace in every season without thinking of any reason. Boy: Thank you so much. Girl: Sorry yaar. I Love You for No Reason honey.

True and Cute Love Stories- Really Heart Touching Love Story

Once a boy roamed in the city with his bicycle. He met his girlfriend with her classmates on the way. When the boy saw her girlfriend he said; Hello how are you? What are you doing? Girl: Feels uncomfortable to speak with him. She said hello? I went to tuition and you? Boy: I went to market to buy a gift for my sister? Girl: Ok you can go now. I will talk to you later at evening or call you at night. Boy: Why? Don't you want to speak with me now? What is your problem honey. Girl: I am sorry I am with my friend's now. Please can we speak with phone at night. Please leave me to spend sometimes with my friend's yaar. Boy: I don't know why do you like avoiding me? I am not a child, I can tolerate this. Why are you playing with me. Don't you Love me? Come on Yaar! Girl: Please understand my situation. Boy: If you can't speak with me now then don't speak with me later. Bye. Girl: Don't misunderstand me please, try to understand my situat

Heart Touching Love Story About A Flight Attendant And A Widow

Once there was a flight attendant who began checking the cabins before the flight take off. A boy asked her "Please remind my girl friend to take her pills because she is a heart patient and she is in business class seat number 24" The attendant assured the boy to do that. After sometime the flight take off to the destination, the attendant went to seat number 24 and approached to that girl " Hello miss remember to take your heart pills." Girl: What? (Astonished) how did you know that I have a heart problem? Do you know me? Attendant: No madam I don't. Actually your boy friend told me to remind you! (The girl cried) Tear's came from her eyes. Attendant: Is there something wrong? Why are you crying? Girl: My boyfriend is dead in the war, I am taking his body in this plane: I'll bring his body to his village for his parents. Attendant: I am sorry", it's his destiny, please Don't Cry. 

Most Adorable Love Story For Her

Once a boy and a girl were dating together. They were in a cinema hall. When the cinema finished they started walking together towards the bus stop. In the meantime they had some good discussion about their life. Boy: How much happy will you be if you marry me as earliest as you expect? Girl: I can't explain it but I will be more happy than you. Boy: Have you ever been scared for anything in your life? Girl: Why did you changed your topic? Boy: Nothing like that...Say if Yes. Girl: Yes. If you wonder to know then I am sayin. When I saw you for the first time I was scared to touch you. First time I touched you I was scared to kiss you. First time I kissed you I was scared to love you, but now that I Love You. Boy: Then what? Girl: You know, I'm scared to loose you. I don't want to loose you my one and only darling.

Heart Touched Love Story

Once there was a boy and a girl lived together in a small town. They loved each other so much. Boy came from a poor family While the girl was from a rich family. One day they were leaving from the park together. In the meantime the girl's father saw both of them. He got angry on her daughter. While the boys father was standing from a distance and watching it. He came closer to his son and kept his hand on his son's head The girl's father angrily told the boys father, you are a poor man. How dare your son roaming With my daughter? You poor man get out from here. I have a beautiful daughter, 5 luxurious cars, 30 bungalow, more money, real estate's, many servants in my home working day and night. What do you have? The boys father told him you have everything but I have only one son who is in love with your beautiful daughter! She is more than your property. She is happy with my son not with your property. Moral: Love is greater than everything in this World.

Heart Touching Real Love Story

Once upon a time  there was a boy and a girl dating together. They were best couples in nature. Once they went to beach. They had a small fighting each other. The boy was waiting for the girl and girl was so late. Boy scolding her girlfriend for being late. The boy was about to leave the sea beach. Girl was in broken heart and crying. There was a saint watching both of them from a distance. He knew what was happening to both of them. The saint said to the boy- "Oh my dear boy, Touch her heart, not her body. Steal her attention, not her happiness. Make her smile with your sentence, don't waste her tears. Saying these advice he left the place After the saint left the place the boy felt sorry for his behavior. He said to that girl, I am sorry my dear I love you so much. Please forgive me. The girl smiled and kissed him in his forehead and said I love you too.

Best Ever Impressive Love Story: Earle And Lanie

Once there lived a boy and a girl in a small town of England. One day they decided to go for film at night show. They went at night and after the picture completed they came. The boy was driving more than 90 KPH on the motorcycle. Girl: Slow down, I am scared darling. Guy: No this is fun honey. You don't worry I am driving at a good speed. Girl: No it's not good please stop this. Please it's too scary darling. Guy: Then tell me do you love me? Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down! Guy: Now give me a big hug ( Girl hugs him). Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on Babe? It's bugging me. In the News Paper the next day: A motorcycle had an accident it crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on the motorcycle, but only one survived. The truth was halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know instead he heard her say she loved him, felt her hug one last time, then

True Love Story About Kuku And Shinah

Once upon a time there was a boy who felt in love with his friend. One day he met her on the way. Boy: How are you darling? Girl: Not good. Boy: Why? What happened? Girl: I have so much cold. I can't breath properly. Boy: What are you talking about? How? Girl: I has Ice-cream yesterday night. Boy: Are you mad?. I told you not to eat ice cream in this rainy season but you ate. Are u out of your mind? Look into my eyes what the hell do you think you are? You aren't a kid, can't you just take care of yourself? You stupid Idiot! Girl: Smiled, hugged him and said "I Love You A Lot" Boy: What's happening here? Will you please tell me. Girl: I just loved it whenever you scold at me, that's why "I Ate Ice Cream"  So that you'll scold me more and more. Boy: You stupid Idiot I Love You Too

Beautiful Short Romantic Stories for Her

Once upon a time there was a boy falling in love with one of his classmate. He was trying to impress the girl but didn't work at all. He started following her. But she denied to his proposal. One day the boy went to the library and asked to his girlfriend to give him only two minutes. Then the girl said okay what do you want to know from me? I want to say something. What do you want to say? Why are you following me? Why do you love me? Boy: You know the smallest word is I, the sweetest word is love and the dearest person in this world is you. That's the reason I Love You. Girl: Nice and thank you. I will think about this. Boy: Thank you. Let's be friends instead of waiting for the reply. Girl: Okay yaar. Boy: Keep my digits and let's start messaging. Girl: Okay saved the number and later at evening sent the reply I can't think more about you. I love you yaar. Boy: I love you too sweetheart.

Heart Touching Love Story

Once upon a time there was a blind girl who was filled with animosity and despised the world. She didn't have many friends, just a boyfriend who loved her deeply, like no one else. She always used to say that she would marry him if she could see him. Suddenly, one day someone donated her a pair of eyes. And that's when she finally saw her boyfriend. She was astonished to see that her boyfriend was blind. He told her,  "You can see me now, can we get married?" She replied, "And do what? We'd never be happy. I have my eye sight now, but you're still blind. It won't work out, I'm sorry." With tears in his eyes and a smile on his face, he meekly said, "I understand. I just want you to always be happy. Take care of yourself, and my eyes."

Love Story To Tell Your Boy Friend

Once Upon a time there was a guy following his girlfriend.  When he met his girl friend he said to that girl can I ask you something. Girl: What do you want to say? Our relationship is over. Boy: Don't say like that. You know, "Love is like a rainbow, it's colourful and makes people smile. Love is like an ocean, it's deep and beautiful. Love is like the sun, it shines and it's warm. Love is like rain, it's calm and refreshing. So... Girl: So what? I don't want to tell you anything right now. Please leave me alone. Boy: No, I wanted to say that, will you let me show you that love? What I really expected from you." The girl shook her head while smiling "No" The guy looked down sadly and then he heard her saying these words: "I want you to show me your love..."

Heart Touching Love Story Of Cute Couples

Once there was a guy said to his girlfriend :  "Love is like rainbow, it's colourful  and makes people smile. Girl: So what do you want to say Boy: You know love is like an ocean, it's deep and beautiful. Love is like the sun, it shines and it's warm. Love is like rain, it's calm and refreshing. Will you let me show you that love?" The girl shook her head while smiling: "No". What was happening with the guy? He was astonished and looked down sadly and then he heard her saying these words: "I want you to show me only your love..."

Most Cute And Amazing Love Story To Read

Once there was a boy was dating with his classmate girl. The girl was so cute and clear in heart. But some reason the girl always hurts her boyfriend.  One day, she broke up with him and told him,  "I don't ever want to see you again in my life. You already died for me.  I am done with you." A few months later, the girl had a change of heart.  She realized that she loved the boy, so she went back and said to him,. "Give me just one more chance.  I love you and I need you. I promise that I will never hurt you again." But the boy just laughed and said to her, " Only a fool would take back someone who hurt them so much." The girl felt hopeless and began to cry, but the boy put his arms around her, held her tightly and said, "......and I am one of those fools."

Heart Touching Love Story To Tell Your Girlfriend

Once there was a girl staying in a small village. She is a school teacher. Once her sisters marriage fixed and she went to her sisters engaged party. In the mean time she met a boy and he is known to her sisters husband. The boy asked her excuse me; can you show me your mother please? she took him to her mother and her mother and that boy had some conversation. After some moment she feel something and she  started liked him.  The party was over and they went their own destination. The boy also falls in love with that girl in her first look. He got the girls phone number from his friend. One day he proposed her and the girl said please give me some time to think about this, because my sister's marriage will be held soon. Okay take your own time I am waiting for you said the boy.  The girl said to her sister about this everything. Her sister said doesn't fall in love with that boy. But the girl likes him, so she accepts him without her sisters knowledge. This proposal goes f

A Heart Touching Story To Read

Once there was a boy who was suffering from cancer had lived his whole life inside the house being taken care of by his mother. One day he wanted to go outside,.  His mother was hesitant but reluctantly agreed.  He was sick always being at home and she knew that. She let him go for a walk down the street. He walked past a lot of stores and came across one particular one that sold CDs. He went inside. He saw the prettiest girl he had ever seen there and he knew immediately that he loved her. It was a classic case of love at first sight. He walked up to the desk behind which she was working. He could not seem to notice anything else except her. She looked up at him and smiled.  "Can I help you?"  said  she in the sweetest voice ever. He just wanted to kiss her right then and there, but he managed to think of something. "I, uh, I want to buy a CD," he said. He picked up a random one and paid the girl. "Would you like that wrapped?" she asked him