
Cute Love Story for your Darling

Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl from his class. One day he decided to propose to that girl. He went to the garden and he proposed. Boy: Can you become my life partner? Girl: Are you mad? I didn't expect it from you. Boy: Ok thank you. Girl: Why do you feel that I am fine for you? Boy: You know sometimes, people come into your life not to love but to make you feel that you are worth loving. Girl: Thank you and I will think about your proposal. For time being I am focusing on my studies. Boy: That's Awesome and I am praying to God to fulfill your wishe my dearest friend.

A beautiful story to tell your girlfriend

Once there was a lady having a conversation with her boyfriend, she Asked: Lady: Why do you like me And why do you love me? Man: I can't tell you the reason but I really like you. Lady: You can't even tell me the reason? How can you say that you like and love me? Man: I really don't know the reason but I can prove that I Love You. Lady: Prove? No! I want you to tell me the reason. My friend's boyfriend can tell her why he loves her but why not you? Man: Okay Ookay!!! Uhmm because you are beautiful, because your voice is sweet, because you are caring & loving, because you are thoughtful, because of your beautiful smile and because of your every movement. The lady felt very satisfied with the Man's Answer. Unfortunately, a few days later, the lady got an accident and went in comma. The guy then placed a letter by her side and here is the content written in the letter; Darling because of your sweet voice that I love you. Now can you talk? No!

Heart Touching Love Story To send Your Loved One

Once there was a boy, he lives in a small town. One day that boy and his girlfriend had a small fight and it ended their relationship. The next day boy was so upset and his girlfriend's best friend asked him why did he ended the relationship? He told her that it's just a small matter and I hope she will be back. His friend told him you know Butterfly lives only few days but still flies joyfully capturing many hearts. Each moment is precious in our life. So don't waste it. Please forgive her and live it fully joyfully and win not only her heart but you can win many hearts with your good behavior and your cool attitude. Please go and excuse her and start your new life again. In the meantime his girlfriend came there and they started their relationship again and live happily together forever.

Romantic Story To Tell her on Valentine's day

Once upon there was a boy and a girl they were dating each other for a long time now. One day they were in a railway platform sitting together. Boy asked the girl; do you know what the day is today? Girl winks and said no I don't know. What day? Is there any special day going on? Boy told her are you really serious? You don't know today is the proposed day! Girl: Really is it? Then what to do? Shall we go and take ice cream and be relaxed sitting there. Boy: Ok we will go babe but? Girl: Come on! What happened? Boy: I would like you to do something important for me. Girl: Yes, I will do. Boy: When you get home today, thank your mom for me. Girl: Sure, but why? Boy: Thank her because she gave birth to an angel who was put into my life and one day whom I hope will become my wife. Girl: Thank you so much and it's really sweet. I will be yours for ever! Boy: Then should we have our first Ice Cream today with our proposal day. Girl: Sure. They went to

Awesome Love Story

Once a boy loved a girl. Some days later they had break up due to some unknown reason. Girl was sitting in a railway station and the boy followed her. He asked her why she is ignoring him. I am sorry yaar. Please excuse me. She remained silent. Then the girl gives a glass and told his boyfriend to throw the glass. Boy did it without fail. Girl told her boyfriend please ask that glass for sorry. Boy said I am sorry broken glass. Now girl said did that glass joint again after you said sorry Like the same you broken my heart. I am sorry, I can't fall in love with you. Then boy said I love you so much. Girl said I love you too baby.

Romantic Love Stories To Tell A Lover

Once a girl was talking with her best friend. She told her that I don't believe in love at first sight. Boy: Why? Girl: It's just an infatuation. I believe in love for years and it's a true situation because the moments spend together are not just a prediction. It is something without a reason. Boy: Do you think I love you for a particular reason? Girl: No not like that. Boy: Then why did you said like that? Girl: See as love gets deeper in every season it's selfish to have a reason. Boy: I don't believe that. Can you explain how deep you are in love with me? Girl: You want to know it. Boy: Of course I want to know it. Girl: So, my love for you is like a Pigeon which gives peace in every season without thinking of any reason. Boy: Thank you so much. Girl: Sorry yaar. I Love You for No Reason honey.

True and Cute Love Stories- Really Heart Touching Love Story

Once a boy roamed in the city with his bicycle. He met his girlfriend with her classmates on the way. When the boy saw her girlfriend he said; Hello how are you? What are you doing? Girl: Feels uncomfortable to speak with him. She said hello? I went to tuition and you? Boy: I went to market to buy a gift for my sister? Girl: Ok you can go now. I will talk to you later at evening or call you at night. Boy: Why? Don't you want to speak with me now? What is your problem honey. Girl: I am sorry I am with my friend's now. Please can we speak with phone at night. Please leave me to spend sometimes with my friend's yaar. Boy: I don't know why do you like avoiding me? I am not a child, I can tolerate this. Why are you playing with me. Don't you Love me? Come on Yaar! Girl: Please understand my situation. Boy: If you can't speak with me now then don't speak with me later. Bye. Girl: Don't misunderstand me please, try to understand my situat